Digging Is Not My Forte!
Well, I'd seen Pippa my beagle friend dig and bury my bear so many times, it couldn't be that hard could it!?
So first, find a soft piece of earth!
"Dotty, what are you doing?"
"Err nothing mum!"
"Dotty, I don't think you are supposed to dig in cement stones. Anyway, you are supposed to have something to bury."
Ah, that's why I'm doing it all wrong!
Later, much later........
Not to be defeated! I'll give it another go!
This looks like a good place, and this time I have my pigs ear to bury!
Right bit of nose pushing there, and a little bit more here and that should cover it.
"Dotty! Are you digging again?"
"Ah, yep mum, but this time I've got the hang of it. You'll never find it!"
"Is that it Dotty?!"
Ah you know, I think I'll leave the digging to Pippa, I'll just eat my treats!
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